Reflecting this Quote...

When I was scrolling down on my Facebook wall, I saw this quote that caught my attention,
When I was scrolling down on my Facebook wall, I saw this Quote that caught my attention,

My thought on this quote about people "judging" is. 

I'm not saying all people, but yes, many people out there will judge you quickly, gossip immediately, and accuse you based on what they only saw or heard but not the whole story! So sad, but that's the reality of life. It depends on people's attitudes and if it is their personality to be that way. 

I don't wanna be a hypocrite, but I don't have that attitude to judge others or have time to take care of other people's lives. I always remind my children to be aware of their opinion of others and think before they put out their words because we don't really know if the words we're gonna say are offending them or maybe you're already being judgemental without knowing it. 

We don't know what others have been going through in their lives, so we have no right to judge; I don't consider myself a perfect person because I'm not! So what right do I have? Yes, sadly, those kinds of people do exist! 

Bible verse for this;

Matthew chapter 7, verse 3 declares,
 " Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your eye?".  And also Luke 6: 41-42 How can you say; Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye, ' while you fail to see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First, remove the shaft from your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.…
We all have that "judging" thing in ourselves, but let's try not to allow our attitude to become judgemental in someone's life, especially since we don't know them or their life story here on earth; we all have mistakes, flaws, and differences. We may form an opinion if we know exactly the truth behind the story of someone's life. 

Let us take to 👉 here for a better explanation - 

My Reflection on Impressing others?

As the quote says,
Don't live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself. Because in the end, people will judge you anyway.
I always remind myself that I can't impress or please people in whatever I do. It's a waste of valuable time and energy thinking about whether I have to look good or be perfect in front of others people's eyes. However, we all have differences, right? Different life stories; or reasons why some people are doing it. 

And that being said, the quote states an encouraging message to let us people know that living in your life impressing others is worthless because people still judge you in whatever you do anyways! People will always think of something terrible about you, even those you'd think are your good friends. But what we can do is ignore whatever bad energy they are putting out on us. 
So why not start branding yourself instead? Let's start impressing ourselves. Let's be look good and be perfect for our own self and not for someone else! 
This opinion is based on my own experience because, as you may not know, I am being judged a lot by others; it got worse since I am Asian and living in a Country where they think I do not belong. But I don't mind them; I always take it as a complimentary as I am a Child of God.😁

Till then, my friend, take care;
💓 Yang.

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  1. Here's one too.


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💖 Yang 💖