The Gteastest Servant...

Hey friends, I appreciate you for being here and reading this devotional of hope that I am sharing with you from the Bible app. I know everyone is busy with their own lives, and life moves quickly without even noticing it, so thanks much for your time, and I hope this post finds you HOPE towards for hereafter with the Lord, Jesus Christ! 

Today's verse and Devotional Reading– Is The Greatest Servant. 

even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 ESV
If we’re honest, most of us would instead be served than serve others. We’d instead feel extraordinary than ordinary. We’d instead feel more important than insignificant.

And though God has made us unique, meaningful, and created in His image—His children cannot be above serving because Jesus was never above serving. 
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬ 

If the King of kings and Lord of lords didn’t come to be served but to sacrifice His life for the sake and salvation of others, we should pay attention.

Jesus warned against doing impressive things just to be seen, praying extravagant prayers merely to be heard, and taking the highest-ranking positions to be known. (See: Matthew chapters 6 and 20.)

Instead, Jesus engaged the outcast, fed the hungry, healed the sick, helped the hurting, stopped for the broken, washed dirty feet, and laid down His life—even though He was innocent—so that even the “worst” of sinners could discover that they are never far from His love. 

As you think about what it meant for Jesus to die in your place and erase your mistakes, what does it trigger inside you? Worship? Gratefulness? Are you compelled to go and tell others?

Today, ask God to show you how to serve others as He has served you.
“For even the Son of Man came The Greatest Servant
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Enjoy your day,

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