Next time you ask "How are you"?

People often ask, "How are you"? as a greeting or in some way asking how you have been– aiming to ask about yourself, your inner self! And even sometimes, you ask yourself the same question,  "Hey self, how are you feeling today? Would you give the same answer to those who've asked you and yourself? I bet not. 

As for the self, your answer is the actual one, but your answer to the people who asked you is untruth. Yes, it is! Of course, you don't mean that, oh, I'm doing great, I'm doing fine, but deep inside, you are drowning; you're on the ground attempting to get back up to hope everything will be fine again! 
So next time, when you ask this question," How are you "–thoughtfully, the answer; is just like this river; imagine that river, water flowing rapidly, and you are in the middle of it floating away by the stream, struggling and you looked around hoping that there is something that you can find to reach out, of any kind that you can hold on to. Unfortunately, you've seen nothing; you thought you could get out by swimming to the shore, but still, it is impossible. 

Your discouragement and terrified occur at that moment, time after time; you are in that situation. But in that situation, you realize then that no one out here can help you, even a log or branch nowhere to be found; you know that you are alone in that situation, and you and yourself alone will do something about how to exist from it. Nevertheless, one thing that you only have with you during that tough times is your faith in God; in the midst, faithfully you prayed and surrendered your worries and go with the flows of the river and let God control from there, wait patiently where God will take you. You are not alone after all! Couse God is always there for you, and He alone knows your fate! 

—And that is the long truthful answer to the simple question of " How are you."

Control the emotions, control your thoughts. Remember, who influences your thoughts? 
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 NIV

Peace be with you; thank you for stopping by, take care, and God bless! 
Appreciate every day;

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