It is the 1st day of May!!!

May is perfect weather temperature for me Goodbye, April, and Hello, May!!! 
The best month of the year is here, well, at least for me! Am I the only one who feels like it? When people's lives are so busy, and they don't have time to count every minute or hour, it is unquestionably that time and months are passing by so quickly. 

What do I like about May? 

What I like about May is that it is not so cold but will also not be as hot as in summer. Don't get me wrong; the summer season is what everybody loves; I love summer; summer is about bathing in the ocean or lake to cool off from summer heat;  but for me, in May, it is just the perfect weather temperature to enjoy the outside sunshine when it is not raining! And if it's ever going to rain (like right now, it is raining here), it'll not be that chilly!

My first photographs of May! 

My first-day photographs this month of May our Apple tree! And starting its blossom because it's already May! 🥰
Flowers of apple tree when its spring of may
Flowers of Apple tree
Apple tree blooming front yard fruits
Well! Happy Monday and the first day of May, folks. Enjoy the month of May before it turns into a hot summery time!

Have a good one, folks! Peace be with you; thank you for stopping by, take care, and God bless! 
Appreciate every day;

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