Tortilla Chips, Salsa with Cheese

Who would like some cheesy snack?? 😁

Is anybody need a snack?
A hungry kid from school is asking for a quick snack. Good thing because I had an excellent idea for that, and it's effortlessly and swift to make. 
Homemade Nachos
We are introducing our homemade Nachos with three simple, easy ingredients; 
  1. Shattered cheese, about 1 cup. 
  2. Quepasa Tortilla Chips 
  3. Penny Salsa, about 1 cup. 
Easy to do snack
How to make it? 
Mix the three ingredients in one microwaveable plate and microwave it for about 2 minutes, and dah dah! You have your snack, and 🙂 Enjoy! 
Easy to do snacks
— Putting Tortilla Chips, Cheese, and Salsa together, my children name it Nachos. 😅
Salsa with cheese
Tortila Salsa with Chees
Cheese Nachos

Peace be with you; thank you for stopping by, take care, and God bless! 
Appreciate every day;

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